Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Organizational Behavior Various Large Organizations

Question: Describe about the Organizational Behavior for Various Large Organizations. Answer: In this study, we came to know about that Chief executives of the various large organizations of the New Zealand are facing critical challenges in the present market environment. These critical challenges are related to the growth of the country through industries, while implementing different different managing skills of the management of their organization. Form the various challenges one of the most critical challenge being faced by the executive of an organization in New Zealand is the development of the management skills which are responsible for the growth of an organization while performing various practices supporting in the development of an organization. Therefore, the major problem being faced by the executives of the companies or the organizations is to compete with the various environmental changes within the market depending upon the technologies being used, management skills and support from the stakeholders, etc. All these factors are very necessary or we can say are very important for the company or an organization to perform various tasks or operations related to the working of that organization (Neweconomics Team, 2016). A systematic approach is required by the management of the company to perform various tasks skilfully. Therefore, to compete with these fast changes a strategy must be followed by the executive of the company with the support of the companys management. This study tells us about the opinions of the chief executives of various organizations related to private sector, public sector and notforprofit sector, etc. in the New Zealand. The GFC (global financial crisis) of the New Zealand has experienced lower economic growth rates in the year 2008-09. But on the other hand New Zealand has a large number of opportunities which helps the country in its growth process like the country attractive tourism sector, primary industries within the country and many more high value manufacturing and services, etc. one of the major problem being faced by each and every sector of the company is that the people of the country are continuously emigrating for a better career and a better lifestyle (Slenders, 2015). There are many other problems responsible for decreasing the economic growth of the country. According to this study, we came to know that New Zealand consists of a small economy. Related to the economical factors of the country, it has a large number of strengths and weaknesses which are responsible for the growth of the country and the people living in the country. According to the research in the sector of fortune global 500 there is no New Zealands company present in this particular sector, whereas the countries like Australia having an approximate population of 23 million and the Singapore with an approximate population of 5.5 million has some companies in the sector of global fortune 500. Another weakness of the New Zealand is that this country is mainly consisted of an average of small and medium sized enterprises. There are many branches available of various multinational companies in the New Zealand (Treasury Govt., 2016). According to my view point while taking this study into consideration, I can say that, whether there are many branches of the large firms or multinational companies are present in the New Zealand, but the people working in these organizations or companies are very small in number as compared to the other countries. Various manufacturing companies like companies which are manufacturing semiconductors, automobiles, aerospace, etc. are having a very small presence or we can say which is closer to no presence in the New Zealand which is also the main cause of the growth decrement of the country. People interested in these fields or the people those who want to make their career in these types of manufacturing companies are unable to do so due to lack of these types of companies or manufacturers in the country. This is also one of the main reasons responsible for making people move to other countries. These are some of the major problems or factors responsible for lacking the country behi nd in the worlds economy (HRINZ , 2015). On the other hand, we can say the organizations present in the country have some advantages which help in providing greater job autonomy to an individual. According to a survey carried in the year 2012, nearly sixty thousand people migrated to Australia from the New Zealand. According to the information provided by the immigration department there are approximately seven Lac New Zealands people are living in Australia due to less development factors of the country. A large number of people those who are shifting from New Zealand to some other countries due to a main reason related to their personal growth in their job as well as in their lifestyles. Due to these reasons the country is continuously facing a decrease in the number of educated workforce. Due to less number of educated workforces, it is difficult for the companies to work and to manage the complete working of the company (QuinStreet Inc, 2016). According to the statements provided by the productivity commission of the country, the productivity of the companies present in the country is decreasing day by day, which results in an overall decrease in the productivity of the country. According to the New Zealand productivity report 2013, the country was one of the wealthiest countries in 1950, but now at present the country has the lowest growth rates as compared to other countries in the developing world. New Zealand has lower wages due to less productivity growth in the country, which leads to decrease the overall business of the country. There is a huge productivity gap as well as the income gap between the New Zealand and the other developing countries due to lack of skilled management in the companies and any other organization working in New Zealand (Helmrich, 2016). Time to time information provided by the various economic research institutes proves that there is lack of performance of the companies or industries working in the country. The research is also providing various references which show us that approximately seventy percent of productivity gap is present while comparing the productivity of New Zealand with the productivity of the Australia. The productivity part is directly related to the managerial resources which are less in number in the country. New Zealand manufacturers would gain benefits only when they focus on the development of managerial resources of the country. The country is facing many economic effects other than the globalisation and technological factors. The data collected from the three different sectors, i.e. the private sector, public sector and not-for-profit sectors are completely different depending upon the sector to which an organization belongs. According to the chief executives of the companies there are several risks present due to rapid change in the market, technology being used and, used resources and the requirements of the customer. Chief executives of the companies are facing many problems in growing their business in the present environment of the competitive market. According to the various surveys done the executives are facing a shortage in the skilled management. It is not easy for an organization to compete in the market by just providing higher wages to the employees. Support of the stakeholders is necessary for the executives of the company, which can provide them various facilities in making various operations. For making various changes in an organization the executives of the company should make good relat ions with the financers those who can easily finance their companies. They should provide good wages to the employees (Morgan, 2014). The company should need to focus on the latest techniques being used in the market and it is the responsibility of the management of the company to provide necessary resources to the employees, so that they can easily perform their tasks. The executives of the companies should use an appropriate strategy which can provide various advantages to the company. Management should provide time to time trainings to the employees of the company, so that an employee can easily work under new circumstances easily by using latest resources provided to them by the company for the accomplishment of various tasks. If the chief executives of the companies will make necessary changes according to the requirement of the market and the customers, then they can easily compete with the other companies working in the country easily. And by the use of these latest technolog ies and the resources the growth of the company rises, which further results in the development of the country as well as the productivity of the country. All this provides a better and secure future for the people of the country. References Helmrich, B., 2016. 10 Challenges CEOs Will Face in 2016. 10 Challenges CEOs Will Face in 2016, 14 March. HRINZ , 2015. Human Resources Management in New Zealand. [Online] Available at: Morgan, R., 2014. New Zealands biggest problems are Economic Issues (41%) while the Worlds most important problems are War Terrorism (35%) just three weeks before NZ Election. New Zealands biggest problems are Economic Issues (41%) while the Worlds most important problems are War Terrorism (35%) just three weeks before NZ Election, 29 August. Neweconomics Team, 2016. New Zealands Challenges. New Zealands Challenges, Available at: QuinStreet Inc, 2016. The Top Nine Challenges of Growing a Business and How to Tackle Them. The Top Nine Challenges of Growing a Business and How to Tackle Them. Slenders, W., 2015. Organizational Growth Challenges. Organizational Growth Challenges, Available at: Treasury Govt., 2016. 2 Opportunities and challenges facing New Zealand. 2 Opportunities and challenges facing New Zealand.

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